Roots of Empathy
‘Building caring, Peaceful and Civil Societies’
We began Roots of Empathy at St. Finian’s 3 years ago and have never looked back. It’s a programme designed to develop children’s compassion and understanding of others and has been shown to reduce aggression, increase sharing, caring and inclusion and promote resilience, well-being and positive mental health.
The programme works by linking up with a school family and their new born baby (4 months old).
This year we are working with baby Sofia (now 9 months old). Every few weeks, Sofia comes into school with her mum and we follow her development over the year; we observe how she moves, responds makes sounds and even sleeps. We ask questions to understand how to love and care for something so precious and small.
‘We are so excited when it’s a day for Sofia to come into school’ Y4
‘She’s so cute; she rolls over on her mat, laughs and gurgles!’ Y4
‘We have noticed how much she’s grown since the first time she came to visit us, in September.’ Y4
The mission of RoE is to build caring, peaceful, and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults.
The vision is to change the world, child by child.