Welcome to Year 2 - Starlings Class
Year 2 Class stained glass window
Fifth Station of the Cross - Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry His cross
Year 2 Class stained glass window
Sixth Station of the Cross - Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Teacher: Mrs Chihota
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Goodfellow
In Year 2, we build on the style of learning from previous years, whilst beginning to introduce a more structured approach throughout the school day.
We strive to develop our growth mind set and want children to be eager to learn and make magical mistakes. This means that in Year 2, having a go, trying your best and not worrying about getting things wrong is what we really want to achieve. The phrase ‘magical mistakes’ is a key part to this approach- getting things wrong still results in learning and all learning to us is magical!
As well as growth mind set, another important element of Year 2 is to start developing independence skills. There is a focus on encouraging children to think for themselves, without relying on an adult, not only in their learning, but also in social situations and in their behaviour choices. This helps children to take responsibility for what happens in the daily classroom environment including looking after their resources.
Delivery of the curriculum takes place in a range of ways, both formal and informal. Children learn together in pairs, groups or as a whole and engage in creative play, drama, oracy tasks, investigations and outdoor experiences.
Useful Information