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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our SEN Coordinator is Miss. Ohanian who can be contacted via the School Office.

We aim to promote high standards of education for all children. Some children need extra support and a tailored curriculum to enable them to reach their full potential.

We know that every child is made in the image of God and deserves to be treated with the utmost respect and dignity. At St.Finian's, we are committed to understanding SEN needs; we work alongside our SEN children, their parents and SEN professionals to provide what children need to flourish and to reach their potential during their time at school. 

equality vs equity

Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) provision in school aims to help our SEN children to achieve the best possible outcomes through:

  • Identifying at an early stage the need for additional support.
  • Developing individual learning provision for children with SEND.
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress.
  • Helping parents to support their children by providing information and guidance on how they can help at home.
  • Organising specialist services from outside the school (multi-agency working) where necessary.

Please find a copy of our SEND policy and local offer below:

Our Local Offer for managing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SEND Policy

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