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Maths (2)

Maths at St Finian's- intent implementation impact

At St.Finian's, we want our children to be confident, curious mathematicians and to find the joy in maths, enabling them to fully engage in the subject at every stage of their primary journey. This doesn’t always mean reaching the right answer; it’s more about developing a mathematical mind- Our Mastery approach to teaching maths, encourages that mindset, ensuring that through secure foundations, children can apply their knowledge and understanding to unfamiliar problems and engage in deeper mathematical thinking.

Through the maths curriculum, children are encouraged to ask questions and make connections across subject disciplines. We support this approach by inviting STEM professionals into school to inspire our children; they introduce maths using real life scenarios from the fields of science, engineering and technology e.g. visits from AWE.    

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every child, first and foremost, develops fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics. Frequent, daily classroom practice of number facts, times tables and number relationships help children to secure essential knowledge; this can then be applied to more complex mathematical problems and concepts. Knowledge and skills are built upon over time as children progress through the school with plenty of opportunities to revisit and over learn as they move from one  year group to the next. 

New learning is implemented following the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, abstract). 

Concrete- to begin with, children use physical resources e.g. multi-link cubes, counters, beads (also called manipulatives) to begin building their understanding in small, basic steps

Pictorial- concrete materials are replaced by pictorial representations

Abstract- finally, children can begin to apply their understanding to more complex ideas, using the knowledge and skills learnt 

This approach, is applicable to all children, using strategies and resources that can be adapted to suit all learning needs. Teachers receive regular training to ensure they understand SEN needs in their class and can help every child to work towards expected progress or above in maths.  

We place a strong emphasis on the acquisition of mathematical reasoning skills, supported through a whole school approach to oracy. Children are encouraged to explain their thinking, and to justify the conclusions they have reached using mathematics vocabulary to aid their explanations.  

Children are taught multiple strategies for solving problems (e.g. the bar model,  estimating skills, written methods of calculation) encouraging an independent approach to learning.  They are helped to address misconceptions and to reach their own conclusions with confidence. 

In their learning, children are encouraged to ask questions and make connections across different subjects and disciplines. We support this approach by inviting STEM professionals into school to inspire our children; they introduce maths using real life scenarios from the fields of science, engineering and technology e.g. workshops led by AWE.  

Mathematics lends itself well to a collaborative approach; children are encouraged to learn along with their peers through pupil led investigations as well as through independent practice. Often, this means making regular use of the outdoor environment, made easy by each classroom opening out onto its own spacious terrace area. 

Teachers frequently assess children’s knowledge and understanding and adjust their planning to address any gaps and to build confidence before moving children on. Progress in maths is discussed within key stage teams and more formally during termly pupil progress meetings. Teachers are supported by the maths lead teacher, through regular CPD opportunities and through active engagement with our local maths hub. 

Specifically in EYFS, maths is taught through a play based curriculum where children are encouraged to see that maths is ‘everywhere & all around’. The early years approach to maths is part of the 3Ms concept of learning (making conversation, mark making & maths). Maths is delivered through practical, hands on experience – construction, cooking, games, problem solving and daily challenges encouraging trial and error.

Children at St. Finian’s love their maths learning and we find that they show a natural curiosity for the subject. Maths attainment at St. Finian’s is strong, with our school results sitting at or higher than local and national averages. 

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