Welcome !
Thank you for visiting the Governors’ section of the St Finian’s school website.
Here you will find information about the Governing Board including brief details of our roles and responsibilities, as well as brief pen portraits ( and maybe a photo ! ) of each of us.
On behalf of the Governing Board I would like to welcome you to our school community. We look forward to meeting you at one of the many school events and very much hope you enjoy your connection with the school. We are extremely proud of what our pupils achieve and of the outstanding commitment and dedication of all the staff who strive to ensure that each of them is afforded every opportunity to excel and achieve their full potential as well rounded individuals and full members of society.
Phil Roberts (Chair of Governors)

Anna Jarratt - Headteacher

Gemma Evans - Staff Governor (Year 6 Teacher)

Phil Roberts - LA Governor (Chair)
Find out more

Peter Dixon - Parent Governor

Leon Ghulam - Foundation Governor
Laura Melin - Parent Governor
Kieran Bourke - Foundation Governor (Vice Chair)
Mary-Anne Hill - Foundation Governor

Peter Starr - Foundation Governor
Phil Roberts - LA Governor/Chair/Property/Health & Safety
Anna Jarratt - Headteacher
Gemma Evans - Staff Governor
Sharon Moore - Foundation Governor
Kieran Bourke - Foundation Governor/Vice Chair/Safeguarding & PPG
Mary-Anne Hill - Foundation Governor/Curriculum
Leon Ghulam - Foundation Governor/Safeguarding & PPG
Laura Melin - Parent Governor
Peter Starr - Foundation Governor
Peter Dixon - Parent Governor
Vacancies - Foundation Governors x 2
Michelle Harrison - School Business Manager/Clerk
Hard copies of the Governor meeting minutes are available upon request, please contact the school office.