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Music at St Finian's-intent implementation impact

In June 2022, the government set out its vision for music education in their report 'The Power of Music to Change Lives- A National Plan for Music'.

'Music is a cornerstone of the broad and balanced education that every child should receive. It touches hearts and minds, it celebrates and challenges, and it connects us and moves us.' National Plan for Music 2022.  

In our response to this national vision, we have created our own Music Development Plan for St.Finian's, demonstrating our committment to enabling all children and young people to learn to sing, play an instrument and create music together, and have the opportunity to progress their musical interests and talents. 

Music at St.Finian's. 

We are passionate about music at St. Finian’s; we want it to run through the fabric of the school as a joyful form of expression. Our aim is for music to be accessible at every level (formally and informally) and celebrated by all. We understand how important music and singing can be for supporting positive mental health and we encourage everyone to get involved and join in the fun.

As a faith community, music plays an important part of worship, binding the school together in celebration on a daily basis. Through whole school Masses and hymn practice or in smaller class worships, music is at the heart, creating an essential prayer focus. We draw upon traditional and modern styles of worship music often supported through movement and actions. 


Music is taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 as a curriculum subject through the online music programme ‘Charanga’. Teaching follows the national curriculum aims, enabling children to:

  • perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians through the ages
  • learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others
  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated

As they journey through the school, beginning in Reception, children build technical knowledge and skills in music through a spiral approach to learning. 

Music is accessed through other curriculum subjects too and teachers plan creative links to support children’s learning, for example; Viking Saga songs in history lessons or singing timetables to secure number concepts in maths.

In KS2 (Year 4) there are opportunities to learn an instrument as a whole class through the expert tuition of our partners at Berkshire Maestros. Private tuition in guitar, piano and violin is also an option for children every week, either with Mrs Cook, our music teacher, or through Berkshire Maestros. 


We are proud of the musical talent and enthusiasm across the school. Every year, we  seek opportunities to encourage, celebrate and support special projects and initiatives designed to nurture children’s talents and provide a platform to experience musical performance and showcase skills. Our KS2 Carol charity concert in St. Gabriel’s Chapel is always a highlight for the whole community and we pride ourselves on presenting a quality performance allowing us to showcase musical talent across KS2. Our after school Glee Club focuses on musical theatre and contemporary group pieces with an annual performance on the Hexagon theatre stage in Reading.

Further musical events throughout the school year include;

  • West Berkshire Schools Music Festival (Anvil Theatre)
  • Young Voices national concert in London (O2 Arena Biannual)
  • Hexagon Charity Concert, Reading.
  • St. Finian’s Summer Music Afternoon
  • St. Finian’s KS2 concert; St. Gabriel’s Chapel
  • KS1 and EYFS nativity
  • Pangbourne College Coral Day 
  • Summer Talent Show 
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