St Finian’s School takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people in its care. "The welfare of the child is paramount" (Children Act 1989).
Please take a look at our Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Statement for more information.
Our designated persons are Anna Jarratt, Headteacher and Catriona Chihota, Catholic Ethos Lead/Year 6 Teacher.
Please email if you need to contact school on
Useful Links:
Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting, online gaming, P2P and other forms of technology like mobiles.
Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre - CEOP
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child abuse and providing advice for parents, young people and children about internet safety and online safety.
- CEOP (
- ChildLine (
- Childnet (
- Internet Matters (
- Tutora 'How to keep kids safe online guide'
NSPCC Apps & Games Guidance (